
News and Update

Citizens of 13 countries can enter Vietnam with 15 days visa exemption from 15 March 2022
Vietnam visa news for expat

Citizens of 13 countries can enter Vietnam with 15 days visa exemption from 15 March 2022

According to the latest updates, Citizens of the following 13 countries can enter Vietnam and stay for 15 days without a visa. South Korea Japan Germany France Italia Spain Great Britain and Northern Ireland Russia Kingdom of Denmark Kingdom of Sweden Kingdom of Norway Republic of Finland Republic of Belarus Citizens of these countries only …

Guide to Vietnam visa extension

Automatic visa extension for foreigners in Vietnam until 30/09/2021

Implementing the direction of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Public Security’s leadership on the continuation of the “automatic extension Vietnam visa” for foreigners affected by the Covid-19 epidemic that cannot leave the country yet, Vietnam Immigration Department notice: Foreigners who entered Vietnam on visa waiver, e-visa or tourist visa from 01/03/2020 are entitled …

Guide to Vietnam visa extension

Automatic visa extension for foreigners in Vietnam until 31 August, 2021

Implementing the direction of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Public Security’s leadership on the continuation of the “automatic extension Vietnam visa” for foreigners affected by the Covid-19 epidemic that cannot leave the country yet, Vietnam Immigration Department notice: Foreigners who entered Vietnam on visa waiver, e-visa or tourist visa from 01 March 2020 …

Vietnam visa extension news - Vietnam visa news for expat

What is causing so many foreigners to leave Vietnam? Issues and Solutions?

In the last 5 years, Vietnam has been a top rising destination for expatriates and foreigners to explore its opportunities in terms of work or investment. Many foreigners were seeking for jobs, doing business or just traveling thanks to flexible visa policies. As most of other emerging countries in SEA, Vietnam has been carefully lifted …

Vietnam visa extension news

Automatic visa extension for foreigners in Vietnam until 31 October, 2020

Implementing the direction of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Public Security's leadership on the continuation of the "automatic extension Vietnam visa" for foreigners affected by the Covid-19 epidemic that cannot leave the country yet, Vietnam Immigration Department notice: Foreigners who entered Vietnam on visa waiver, e-visa or tourist visa from March 1st, 2020 ...
Thống kê tình hình xuất nhập cảnh Việt Nam

Thống kê tình hình xuất nhập cảnh Việt Nam tháng 8/2020

Thực hiện Nghị định số 94/2016/NĐ-CP ngày 01/7/2016 của Chính phủ quy định chi tiết và hướng dẫn thi hành một số điều của Luật Thống kê, Bộ Công an công bố số liệu (sơ bộ) về tình hình xuất nhập cảnh tháng 8/2020 (từ ngày 15/7/2020 đến ngày 14/8/2020) như sau: Số lượng người ...
Statistics on Vietnam immigration

Statistics on Vietnam immigration in August 2020

In implementation of the Government's Decree No. 94/2016 / ND-CP dated July 1, 2016 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Statistics, the Ministry of Public Security shall arrange data (diagram) on Immigration situation in August 2020 (from July 15, 2020 to August 14, 2020) is as follows: ...
Vietnam visa extension news

Automatic visa extension for foreigners in Vietnam until 31 July, 2020

Implementing the direction of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Public Security's leadership on the continuation of the "automatic extension Vietnam visa" for foreigners affected by the Covid-19 epidemic that cannot leave the country yet, Vietnam Immigration Department notice: Foreigners who entered Vietnam on visa waiver, e-visa or tourist visa from March 1st, 2020 ...
Guide to Vietnam visa extension

Updated: No overstay fines is applied if you enter Vietnam after 01 Mar, 2020

🎉🎉🎉For overstay case, If you enter Vietnam from 01 Mar, 2020, you will not need to pay the overstay fines fee. In case you enter Vietnam before 01 Mar, 2020.⁉️How to reduce or be free for overstay fines fee? 👉👉👉Please contact your embassy/consulate. Ask them for the official notes. This note should be in bilingual, ...
Vietnam visa extension news

Official notice of “Automatic Renewal of Vietnam visa” to foreigners

 1. Foreigners who entered Vietnam on visa waiver, e-visa or tourist visa from March 1st, 2020 are entitled to automatic visa extension until June 30th, 2020 and can depart from Vietnam without having to extend their stay permit. For those who entered Vietnam before March 1st, 2020, the same automatic visa extension can be considered, ...